Outlander Fan Documentary
Our Hero Scot Productions

Our Hero Scot Productions
Outlander Fan Documentary
Our Hero Scot Productions

How Outlander Touches Real Lives
Featuring the collaborative efforts of a talented crew, the Outlander Fan Documentary is a film project created by Cynthia Dawn, about the amazing community of fans devoted to the Outlander televisions series and books, and how their togetherness has helped them through illness, loss, and other difficulties.

MARCH 15 2023
This clan! So proud to be a part of such an amazing, dedicated fan-mily. We are loyal, strong, resilient, dedicated, supportive, creative, and so much more! We can't wait to be able to share the completed Outlander Fan Documentary with you.
Our Official First Look Video!! Please let us know if you shed a wee tear! This experiences we’ve had, this fandom, this story. It means so much all of us. We just want to share it with the world!
We are kicking off a fundraising campaign to raise funds. We are to the point where we need outside help to get the documentary to the screen. Professional editors are needed and they don’t work for free. There are perks for donating!
JANUARY 18 2023
THe 2023 Outlander Fan Documentary Happy Hogmanay card is here! We've got extras and we're giving them away. First come, first serve.
Want to contribute to the project? No donation is too big or too small.
Learn more about the project and the team. Learn more >
Loving others is what the Outlander fandom is all about.